Pepe von der Zenteiche (Imported Germany)
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Pepe von der Zenteiche
Kkl 1 HD Normal ED Normal HDZW79
Date of Birth 16 June 2011
16th place out of 127 dogs, at German Sieger Show August 2012 in the 12 - 18 months class
- Pepe is one of the highest placed young dogs to ever come to Australia
- His sire E'U2 de la Petite Laeticia was SG9 JKL German Sieger Show 2010
- Pepe's dam Amy von der Zenteiche was SG17 JHKL German Sieger 2010
- Pepe's show results to date 5 Firsts (he was first in his last 4 shows) 2 Seconds, 2 Thirds, 1 Fifth (35 dogs in the class)
- 3 out of 4 of Pepe's great grand sires are German Siegers or Vice Siegers
- Being Vegas du Haut Mansard, Quenn vom Löher Weg & Hill vom Farbenspiel who are indisputably the best producing sires in the world
- The magnificent LEO von der ZENTEICHE winner of the JHKL Class German Sieger Show 2012, has Yukon & Quenn in the second generation. Pepe has Yukon in the second generation as well as Quenn and the twice German Seiger Vegas in the 3rd Generation
- Pepe's well known breeders have achieved great success in the Breeder's Groups at the German Sieger Shows: 2007 Second, 2010 Third, 2011 Third, 2012 Second
- There are 6 straight generations of Zenteiche females on the the mother's side of Pepe's pedigree
*See Pepe von der Zenteiche's individual on You Tube at the German Sieger Show 2012
Pepe's dam Amy von der Zenteiche Pepe's sire E'U2 de la Petite Laeticia |
Amy von der Zenteiche Pepe 14 months |
Very proudly owned by Rob Van Helvoort, Penny Alder & John & Lee Martens
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Contact Details
Penny Alder
We'll be residing in The Adelaide Hills South Australia, as of early December 2024. A litter is planned for early to mid 2025. We're happy to transport puppies by plane to Perth or other capital cities in Australia.
MOBILE: 0497 373746. Emails are preferred please.
Email: [email protected]
Quality German Shepherd Dog Breeders since 1972